15 Awesome Adult Uses For Baby Powder

POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

A bottle of baby powder only costs a buck at the dollar store, which makes it a great budget-friendly investment for tucking under your sink. You'll be amazed by all the helpful ways you can use this fresh-smelling powder around your home.

  1. Pet cleaner: Get your pet clean using baby powder as a dry shampoo, which will leave him smelling nice and fresh without having to toss him in the tub.
  2. Cool sheets: On hot summer nights, sprinkle baby powder over the sheets to keep them nice and cool. And the powder will absorb any sweat, making for a refreshing night's sleep.
  3. Absorb grease: The next time you dribble some grease on your favorite shirt or edge of the carpet, sprinkle with baby powder. It absorbs the oil and refreshes the fabric.

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  1. Refresh books: Give old books new life by sprinkling them with baby powder. It absorbs the moisture, getting rid of any mold, and leaves books fresh.
  2. Plump lashes: Dust baby powder over eyelashes before applying mascara for a fuller look.
  3. Chafe-free: Give your inner thighs a dusting of baby powder before your next big run to prevent chafing.
  4. Smell-buster: When your shoes aren't smelling their best, fill with baby powder and let set overnight. Dump out and enjoy like-new shoes.

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  1. No more squeaks: If you've got a wood floor that squeaks, sprinkle with baby powder, and then sweep into gaps. No more squeaks!
  2. Repel ants: Ants don't care for the scent of baby powder, so sprinkling a line around doors or windows will keep them from busting into your home. It works the same when having a picnic.
  3. Reduce waxing pain: Dust legs with baby powder before waxing. It creates a layer that helps protect against the burn.
  4. Face fix: Instead of paying for expensive finishing powder, dust a touch of baby powder over your face to set makeup.

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  1. Stay fresh: Use baby powder instead of deodorant. It absorbs sweat while whisking away any lingering scent.
  2. Kitty litter help: Sprinkle baby powder over your kitty's litter for a quick refresh.
  3. Hair help: When in a bind, use equal parts baby powder and baking powder as a DIY dry shampoo. Your hair will thank you!
  4. Smell good: If you're not a fan of how baby powder smells, mix it with a few drops of your favorite essential oil, and leave out in small containers to give a lovely scent.

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