5 Tips for Achieving Your Personal Best

America's Navy
America's Navy

Achieving your best is hard work, and even the most disciplined go-getters need a little help sometimes. Whether you're setting records, breaking them, or you simply want to stay in shape, sailors in America's Navy can tell you a thing or two about accomplishing goals.

Make It an Adventure
America's Navy

Make It an Adventure

One of the easiest ways to make exercising an adventure is to get outside and into nature. If you live in a city, head to rooftop yoga or kick-boxing in the park (you may be surprised what is offered in your zip). For sailors in America's Navy, staying fit on a sub or aircraft carrier can be challenging, but it's crucial to keeping the force strong. The Navy tends to attract seekers of knowledge and adventure (sailors must be intelligent, adaptable, and resourceful). It's no surprise that sailors find a way to stay fit wherever they are — from the sea to the stars.

Create Squad Goals
America's Navy

Create Squad Goals

You don't have to do it alone! Scientific studies have shown that group workouts and team sports boost individual performance, specifically in the endurance category. So, next time you find yourself dreading the gym, call a friend, and go on a long walk or try a group exercise class together. You'll hold each other accountable and encourage one another to reach the next big goal. For those serving in America's Navy, strength comes from being a member of a unified team. Just ask the sailors working on the aircraft carrier flight deck!

Train For an Event
America's Navy

Train For an Event

Choose an upcoming event, and get training to reap the physiologic and psychological rewards. Try signing up for a race few months in advance to get fired up, and get moving in anticipation of the event. Before sea deployments, sailors work to make sure they're fit, agile, and ready for whatever comes their way while aboard. For these men and women, exercise and fitness are part of the job.

Get Inspired
America's Navy

Get Inspired

When the training gets tough, remembering the "why" behind what we do can keep us going. Try writing down your progress in a fitness or goal journal and checking in every few weeks to see how far you've come. Don't forget to be kind to yourself with positive self-talk and visualizing success. The journey is just as important as the destination. Explore Faces of the Fleet and turn that inspiration into motivation.

Try Something New
America's Navy

Try Something New

Did you know that swimming engages more muscle groups than any other cardio workout? Find a local group swim class to learn water exercises, take your butterfly to the next level, or master the basics. Even the pros had to start somewhere — new Navy recruits are not required to be expert swimmers to join the Navy. Dedicated instructors work with them at boot camp to teach new skills, including how to be a strong swimmer. Sailors know if you try something new, you might just discover you have the power to go beyond what you ever thought possible.

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