Never Make This Common Résumé and Cover Letter Mistake

Nov 26 2019 - 10:55am

In this digital job-searcher's day and age, where everything is pretty much done online, there are a couple of etiquette steps we often forget about.

One of the most important steps to take when turning in your résumé [1] and cover letter [2] via email or an online submission is to give it a proper name. Too often, people's résumés and cover letters are given the generic name "résumé.doc" or "coverletter.doc." Step it up a notch and personalize the files by adding your name and renaming them to "JaneSmithRésumé" and "JaneSmithCoverLetter.doc."

Remember, the hiring manager receives many submissions. If they're saving the files to their computer, you're saving them the extra step of renaming the documents.

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