79 Productive Things to Do in Front of the TV

Mar 11 2016 - 8:00am

Watching television may not seem like the most productive activity, but it easily can be! While grabbing a spot in front of the tube is a leisurely and relaxing time for many, there are plenty of opportunities to add some productivity [1] to the mix. As your favorite TV show or movie is playing in the background, it's an optimal time to mark some much-needed items off your to-do list [2]. Not only will you accomplish more, but you won't miss your favorite flicks or series in the process!

  1. Catch up on emails [3].
  2. Sort and organize receipts [4].
  3. Cut, file, and paint your nails.
  4. Write your to-do list.
  5. Search for a new recipe [5] to make for dinner.
  6. Open your mail.
  7. Organize your purse or backpack.
  8. Address letters or packages you're going to send.
  9. Organize your computer desktop [6].
  10. Cut out and file coupons.
  11. Update your computer software [7].
  12. Practice yoga [8].
  13. Start a DIY [9] project.
  14. Update your social media profiles.
  15. Write a bucket list [10].
  16. Plan out a budget.
  17. Check for money in the couch.
  18. Search for a job online.
  19. Water your plants.
  20. Browse the Internet.
  21. Delete old apps [11] you don't use on your phone.
  22. Clean up your inbox [12].
  23. Tweeze your eyebrows.
  24. Clean up your wallet.
  25. Catch up on work.
  26. Pay your bills [13].
  27. Do sit-ups.
  28. Fold clothes.
  29. Make weekend plans.
  30. Start planning your outfits for the week.
  31. Vacuum or mop the room.
  32. Work on a puzzle.
  33. Iron your clothes [14].
  34. Do jumping jacks.
  35. Write a letter.
  36. Organize your photos [15] into an album.
  37. Practice Pilates [16].
  38. Create a meal plan [17].
  39. Charge your electronics [18].
  40. Do Zumba [19].
  41. Knit a scarf.
  42. Write a blog.
  43. Reflect on the day.
  44. Get creative [20], and paint or sketch something.
  45. Power up with a snack.
  46. Relace your shoes.
  47. Make a list of home-improvement projects you want to work on.
  48. Do some stretches.
  49. Read the newspaper.
  50. Hang picture frames [21] on the wall.
  51. Dust the room.
  52. Drink some water.
  53. Brainstorm ideas for your next vacation [22].
  54. Write a postcard.
  55. Wrap your loose change.
  56. Lift some weights.
  57. Polish your shoes.
  58. Do push-ups.
  59. Flip through a magazine.
  60. Work on a crossword puzzle [23].
  61. Untangle any cords you have lying around the house.
  62. Sew a pillow.
  63. Make some jewelry.
  64. Write invitations for an upcoming event.
  65. Work on a quilt.
  66. Pair your mismatching socks.
  67. Organize your pens and pencils.
  68. Wrap presents.
  69. Upcycle an old calendar [24].
  70. Put your books on a shelf.
  71. Practice an instrument.
  72. Braid your hair.
  73. Write a list of things you need to pick up from the store.
  74. Rearrange furniture in the room.
  75. Change old lightbulbs in the room.
  76. Clean out old recordings [25]from your DVR.
  77. Learn some trivia from a game show.
  78. Organize your DVDs or Blu-rays.
  79. Change the batteries in the remote.

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