12 Reasons Traveling Was Way More Dope in the '90s

Jun 12 2014 - 11:45am

Remember when we could fly with our nail files and mini shampoo bottles without fear of being grilled by the TSA? Sadly, those days are gone, and with them the simpler times when trips were less stressful and journeys were free of electronic distractions and transit red tape. Don't get us wrong — technology can make things easier sometimes, but it can also take away some of the romance of traveling and exploring new places. We're nostalgic for some of the '90s ways of taking trips, and here's why.

Source: Instagram user pipeanuts [1]

You Could Actually See the "Mona Lisa" Without Phones Flashing in Front of You

Places weren't as crowded and overcommercialized. Technology took the backseat to the actual experience.

Source: Reddit user Contastic [2]

Email? As If! It's All About the Postcard

Everything was more personal and permanent.

Source: Nick [3]

There Were No Laptops to Lug

We didn't have to take laptops out of our luggage every time we went through customs, because what laptops?

Source: Film Biz Recycling [4]

Getting Lost Was an Adventure!

We explored new places, and if we needed help, we had to speak with real human beings who knew the area instead of using our phones. There was no Yelp or TripAdvisor to fall back on!

Our Maps Won't Fail Us If the Cell Reception Dies

Paper maps were a thing — the ones not of the Google variety.

Source: Instagram user pipeanuts [5]

Disposable Cameras FTW

No one in their right mind would try to steal our disposable cameras, because they cost a few bucks and got thrown away after the film was used up. Bonus: the pictures looked like they came out with Instagram filters already on them.

Source: Giphy [6]

Those '90s Rom-Com Airport Kisses Were an Actual Possibility

We used to be able to surprise loved ones when they got off the plane or run through the airport chasing our true loves (well, in our dreams, at least), but airport security prevents that these days.

Traveling With Carry-On Luggage Was as Easy as 1-2-3

We could stuff our makeup, shampoo and conditioner, and other toiletries into our travel bag without putting them into a million little plastic baggies.

Source: Reddit user emanueledc [7]

Airport Security Wasn't Quite So Intense . . .

Meaning we didn't have to essentially remove everything on our bodies to get past it.

Source: Giphy [8]

We Could Actually Hold Our Photos and Stick Them in Real Albums and Frames

Getting pictures developed meant we had a physical photo album to look at and share with friends and family.

Social Media Didn't Take Away From the Trip

Without social media, we would actually catch up with people when we got back from our trip, since they didn't get a play-by-play online every day that we were away. We also didn't waste time trying to document every single minute of our travels on our iPhones.

And, Most Importantly, Whatever Happened in Vegas Actually Stayed in Vegas

There was no photographic evidence on Facebook for everyone to see!

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