4 Steps to Stop Procrastinating With Your Taxes

Apr 5 2017 - 11:45am

If you're dragging your feet on doing your taxes, it's time to get started on them now. After all, April is just around the corner. Why put off the inevitable? Here are a couple of tips to help you get started.

Fill out the simple details. Take a deep breath and just start. Filling out details like your name and address isn't so hard, right? Take one step at a time and work on it across several nights after work or on the weekend. Slowly, but surely, you'll make your way to the end. Trying to tackle everything in one go may overwhelm you, so it's better to take it slow.

Find a buddy. Find a tax buddy and resolve to do taxes together on a designated day. Make a date out of it and do it at home while watching old episodes of The Office or schedule to meet up and bring your laptops to a hip neighborhood café.

Announce it. Announce your intentions to work on your taxes to the world . . . OK, well, maybe just Facebook and Twitter. Seeing all the "likes" and comments roll in will definitely motivate you to do them. And the cherry on top? Telling everyone that you're done with taxes and just waiting for your juicy refund to come.

Reward yourself. Promise to reward yourself with a small treat when you're done. Perhaps it's a blueberry yogurt or a relaxing massage. Create positive incentives to give you the extra push you need to complete your taxes.

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