Upcycle It! Plastic-Bottle Zipper Container

POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff

We came across this cool DIY and had to give it a try for ourselves. This fun project comes together in no time with the help of a zipper and hot glue. Personalize the container with a cute zipper or use your favorite-colored plastic bottle for a unique look.

  1. Measure an inch-and-a-half from the base of the water bottle, and mark with a pen. Use sharp scissors to cut away the bottom from the bottle. Do the same with another empty plastic bottle.
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff
  1. Select a zipper that wraps around the bottle comfortably. We found a seven-inch zipper fits perfectly with an 18- or 20-ounce bottle. Secure the zipper to the inside of one bottle with hot glue. Create small lines of glue, and press quickly while hot for best results.
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff
  1. Open the zipper, and attach the top just like you did the bottom.
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff
  1. Zip the container together, and you're ready to store your stuff!
POPSUGAR Photography | Sarah Lipoff