We Heart These Upcycled Denim Bookmarks

Apr 11 2014 - 3:05am

We love our jeans, which makes saying goodbye to our favorite denim a sad day. Give new life to your jeans and DIY [1] a cute heart bookmark that adorably keeps your spot while reading. We found this cute project on Pinterest [2] and couldn't resist stitching one ourselves. And once you get started, you'll want to make more for all your favorite people — especially those who love to read.

What You'll Need:


  1. Start by cutting a square from your old jeans and folding it in half. This will help you cut out the heart design for the bookmark. Starting from one open corner, cut out the heart so you have two identical shapes around three inches in size.

  1. Place the denim hearts on a piece of parchment paper and coat with fabric glue, which helps seal the edges so they won't fray.

  1. Once the hearts are dry, use a colorful length of string to sew the bottom sides of the heart, leaving the top rounded edges open for holding the page in your book. You can straight-stitch the seams or have fun with an overstitch, where you put the needle in the opposite side of the fabric than you just came out of. Knot the ends when finished stitching.

  1. Tuck your heart on the edge of the page you leave off, and you'll never lose your place again while reading!

Want more denim projects? Check out our fun collection of upcycling DIYs that give old jeans new life [3].

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