Travel Smart With These DIY Single-Use Packets

Jan 20 2015 - 10:00am

Next time you're heading out for an overnight trip, instead of packing big tubs of toothpaste, shampoo, and conditioner, make these easy DIY [1] single-use packets instead. We took inspiration from this smart idea [2] and just had to try making them ourselves. With a little patience — and some colorful straws — everything you need for short trips fits in a small travel bag. And these little packets of essentials are perfect for tossing in your purse, too.

What You'll Need:


  1. Cut a straw into a four-inch section, and then place one end at the opening of the toothpaste, gently squeezing a small amount into the straw. Having trouble getting that toothpaste into the straw? Squeeze the toothpaste into a plastic bag, press to one corner and snip with a scissors, creating a piping bag. Place the open tip of the bag into the straw and press out.

  1. Pinch together one end of the straw using a pliers, and heat with a lighter until the plastic melts and seals together. Do the same at the other end of the straw to completely seal the single-use packet.

  1. Fill more straws with other essentials, and you're ready to pack your bags!

  1. Use a permanent marker to label the single-use packets so you know which one to reach for. To use, simply snip the end and squeeze. Happy travels!

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