Keep Bugs Away With This All-Natural Repellant

Jun 1 2014 - 5:00am

Warmer weather invites all kinds of bothersome bugs and insects out to play. Your kitchen counters become overrun with ants, and your back patio swarms with pesky flies. Instead of spritzing harmful chemicals all over the place, reach for a natural solution — tea tree oil! You can use it directly on the skin to help repel insects, but mixing together this easy spray works just as well without any oily mess.

What You'll Need


  1. Most ants and insects aren't big fans of the scent of tea tree oil, making it a good choice to use when making a repellent. Pour the water into a small spray bottle — a diffuser sprayer works best. Add the tea tree oil, and give it a little shake.
  2. Store the repellent in a cool, dark cabinet, and shake before each use. The water will infuse with the oil, creating a helpful repellent that can be safely sprayed anywhere. Spritz all over yourself before heading outdoors or even in corners where ants seem to be collecting.

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