The 5-Minute Morning Routine For Your Best Day Ever

May 24 2016 - 8:00am

Not everyone wakes up fresh and ready to face the day, and leaving the warm cocoon of your bed is never easy. But taking five minutes to recharge and refresh after your long slumber awakens your inner drive and motivates you to tackle your day. This easy routine, which can be done before you even leave your room, becomes a habit over time, creating the perfect plan for your best day ever.

  1. Turn off your alarm (30 seconds): Place your alarm out of reach, away from your bed, so you have to get up to turn it off. Smile as you walk, which releases hormones that create happy feelings. Tell yourself it's going to be a good day — out loud!
  2. Let in morning light (10 seconds): Wake up with some sunshine, which instantly elevates your mood and sends the signal to your brain that it's morning.
  3. Do a sun salutation (one minute): Spend one minute moving your body. You can do jumping jacks, sit-ups, or a body-energizing sun salutation [1].
  4. Meditate on your day (one minute): Take one minute to visualize your day and imagine how meetings will go, the things you need to remember, and happy outcomes of important conversations and interactions with others.
  5. Be grateful (30 seconds): Say out loud what you're grateful for. Starting the morning on an appreciative note sets you up for a day of caring, understanding, and thoughtfulness.
  6. Make your bed (one minute): Tidying your bedroom psychologically gets you motivated to leave your room. And it's so nice to come home to a bed that's already been made. Use any extra time to pick up clothes or clear side tables.
  7. Sing along! (remaining 50 seconds): Turn on a wake-up song and sing along as you dance out of your room. Singing releases endorphins, which naturally elevate your mood and energize your body.

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